2.7 MG TES Tank in Raleigh, NC

View of the architecture used to help this TES tank fit in with the surrounding structures.

Photo showing DN Tanks' tight site construction capabilities.

Close up photo of this TES tank's exterior architectural treatment.

Panel erection on this TES tank from the adjacent parking garage showing the proximity of the two structures.
- Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
- Market: Thermal Energy Storage (TES)
- Year Built: 2005
- Capacity: 2.7 MG
- Liquid Depth: 43'
- Diameter: 103'
- Purpose: Pepco Energy Services (PES) provided an energy services performance contract project to the State of North Carolina, and selected DN Tanks to build a 2.7 MG stratfied chilled water Thermal Energy Storage (TES) tank on the state capital campus in downtown Raleigh. The precast, prestressed, wire-wound concrete TES tank is at the heart of this significant energy savings project. Coupled with a new high efficiency packaged chilled water plant, this TES tank capable of delivering 27,260 ton-hrs of cooling capacity. The system is the primary chilled water source for 3.5 million square feet in 20 buildings.
- Application: Thermal Energy Storage (TES)