2.7 MG TES Tank in Raleigh, NC
- Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
- Market: Thermal Energy Storage (TES)
- Year Built: 2005
- Capacity: 2.7 MG
- Liquid Depth: 43'
- Diameter: 103'
- Purpose: Pepco Energy Services (PES) provided an energy services performance contract project to the State of North Carolina, and selected DN Tanks to build a 2.7 MG stratfied chilled water Thermal Energy Storage (TES) tank on the state capital campus in downtown Raleigh. The precast, prestressed, wire-wound concrete TES tank is at the heart of this significant energy savings project. Coupled with a new high efficiency packaged chilled water plant, this TES tank capable of delivering 27,260 ton-hrs of cooling capacity. The system is the primary chilled water source for 3.5 million square feet in 20 buildings.
- Application: Thermal Energy Storage (TES)