5.8 MG Ground Storage Tank in Kaysville, Utah

- Location: Kaysville, UT
- Market: Water
- Year Built: 2023
- Capacity: 5.8 MG
- Liquid Depth: 25'
- Diameter: 200'
- Purpose: The 5.8 MG tank was built in partnership with Probuild Construction to add additional storage for distribution to the surrounding communities. To help hide the tank aesthetically amongst the surrounding community and mountain foothills, it was buried completely. The Highway 89 Project won the “2024 Excellence in Concrete Award” for Public Works Structures from the Intermountain Chapter of the American Concrete Institute. The Wasatch Front has some of the highest seismic accelerations in the Country being directly on an active fault line. Due to the tank’s location above several homes and Kaysville City, the District wanted to ensure the tank could withstand the maximum design earthquake with uninterrupted service. The culinary water tank also serves as a source of fire flow to the community in the event of emergency making the need for reliable storage even more important. The District and consultant, Bowen & Collins, evaluated all types of tanks including D110, reinforced concrete, and internal tendon. Ultimately an AWWA D110 tank was selected because of its superior performance and track record in large seismic events. Additionally, because the tank had a total wall height of 28’ and was tucked into large sloping hillside above Highway 89 and surrounding neighborhoods, the City wanted to ensure they were getting a bottle tight leak free structure that would not require structural maintenance or create an eyesore to their residents. A DN Tanks AWWA D110 tank was the perfect fit for the job providing the longest function life of any tank structure in the industry!
- Application: Ground Storage
- Engineer: Bowen, Collins & Associates, Inc.
- Owner: Weber Basin Water Conservation District
- Partners: Probuild Construction